Apparel / Importer
We produce women's apparel products in Japan and the United States. We buy and import apparel products and components from North America, South America, and Asia, especially women's swimwear and underwear.

Imaging studio. Postproduction.
A studio for still and moving image photography is available in the head office building. Large equipment can be brought into the studio, such as a car for filming. Lighting and photographic equipment are also available for rent. In addition to image and video editing, we also offer DVD and Blu-ray authoring and pressing services, and since 2010 we have been providing support services for Youtube channel management and live streaming.
本社ビル内にスチール・VTR撮影用のスタジオを完備。スタジオ内に車を入れての撮影など大型機材の搬入も可能です。照明や撮影機材等の貸し出しも行なっております。2010年よりYoutubeのチャンネル運営やライブストリーミングの支援サービスも行っております。画像編集、動画編集に加えてDVD、 Blu-rayのオーサリングやプレスもご依頼頂けます。
We started selling products and data on the Internet around 1996. We are currently providing support services related to Internet sales, such as e-commerce introduction and management, program development, and product delivery operations on behalf of our clients.

our project

This design team designs CD/DVD packages, websites, advertisements, etc.

It is a select store dealing mainly in imported apparel from the West Coast of the United States.

This project covers almost all reggae dancers in Japan. The lesson DVD was a hit at Tower Records.